Learn with us.
Children and youth are a vital part of our services, encouraged to join our outreach ministries, and valued as full members of the church at baptism. Formation classes and fellowship opportunities change throughout the year, but here a couple of ways for your child to engage more fully with their faith.

Sunday school
From September through June, Sunday School classes are held between the services from 10:10 - 10:50 a.m. We have three different classrooms: from age four to 2nd grade, 3rd - 5th, and 6th grade up.
Worship leaders
Children in third grade and above are eligible to serve as acolytes and lectors during the service. Older kids and youth can serve as crucifer (the person who essentially leads all processions in the church) and our most senior acolytes can be trained as thurifer. Contact Lisa Turner for more information on this ministry and upcoming trainings.

Episcopal Youth Community
The Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) is the youth group of Christ Church for ages 6th grade to seniors in high school. EYC gets together on Wednesday evenings for games, activities, outings, and prayer. Contact the office for the latest events and to receive updates for this active group!