Worshipping the Lord in the beauty of holiness

Altar Guild
The Altar Guild are a group of folks who make sure our worship services are prepped and ready every single week. At Christ Church, members are on teams that rotate cleaning the linens, polishing brass, setting up for communion, and more.
Acolyte means “one who serves.” An acolyte assists in worship by carrying a processional cross, lighting candles, carrying candles or “torches,” assisting the priest in set up and clean up at the altar, handing the offering plates to ushers, and many other tasks. At Christ Church, acolytes are typically youth. Participants arrive 20 minutes before the scheduled service.

In the Episcopal Church, the Bible is at the center of what we do. Lectors read from three of the four passages of scripture during the service (a priest or deacon always reads the Gospel.)
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers vest for services and lead worship particularly by helping administer the chalice. Unlike some of our ministries, some training is needed here. Let us know if you'd like to serve at the altar.

Ushers are the first impression that parishioners and visitors have of Christ Church. By their positive and uplifting greeting, they establish a joyous spiritual atmosphere for those entering the nave for worship. Specific duties include collecting, counting attendance, and ringing the tower bell.

Choir and music
The choir and musicians help create a holy space of worship through their offerings. To find out more, click here.